Sunday, September 13, 2009

Democracy, Socialism & Communism

Democracy is defined as a government in which ALL ADULTS who are citizens share power and resources through elected representatives.
Biggest lacunae in democracy is the presumption that the adults take sensible decisions while electing their representative and are not influenced by false promises, caste ,creed,colour,monetary benefits ,sect, race religious affiliations etc. Hence democracy is suitable in places where one has independent opinion not impacted by forces which aim at grabbing power and misusing the resources and trust imposed in the elected representatives by the masses.

Is Communism a better way of managing people and enabling equi distribution of wealth in various social sub sections.
Communism is a ideology 0r a political system that proclaims abolition of of class wise oppression and exploitation of poor by rich and foundation of social system based on common possession of the means of production and equal distribution of goods.
Communism as others have its own set of shortcomings. It generally pushes a party or an individual at the helm of affairs, who in turn starts using the available resources for his own whims and fancies. Communism ignores creativity, leads to one party or one man rule, thereby masses following and obeying the regulations set by the leader with nobody checking or controlling the same and the leader thus having no accountability.

Then Socialism must be the answer or is it not lets see
Socialism is a mechanism whereby important resources are controlled by the state and state intervenes and ensures proper utilization of those for the benefit of the subject it actually belongs to.
Somewhere close but not there as missing links in socialism is accountability to the state on the proper usage of the resources. Ensuring the benefits or the scare resources and the monetary gains arising there from reaches the end user of the social strata who needs it badly.

Then What ................. What should be done, what should the new economic order look like to ensure that limited wealth is not in the hands of limited individuals or organisations.

Should have a system having all the three above and something more. Lets call it

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