Sunday, May 20, 2012

High Delivery & Performance – Truth Behind it

Most Human Resource specialists and psychologist believe money is great motivator. Surely it does. As its applicable everywhere, exceptions to it are prevalent. Same hold good for corporate world as well.

As per the Maslow’s Hierarchy theory,

Physiological and safety needs form the bottom of the Pyramid. Money / Monetary gains, material awards etc are a part of that. This might hold good for majority of individuals who have average aspiration, Will power and Self belief.

For individuals who desire to be different, wish to bring material change in the space they are operating, have different needs. For them Safety and physiological needs don’t form a part of hygiene elements. For them to stick with a firm, organization and deliver results they need two most important things.

1. Freedom to Operate & Execute

2. Ideation & Innovation & Execute

These individuals form a good part of corporate world but due to firm/ organization’s inability to realize their basic needs, these unsatisfied souls keep hopping jobs sometimes under the garb of poor culture, some times citing excuses of inadequate money, sometimes insecurities of their superiors etc.

These form almost five to six percentile of the total work force and are found in all fields of life including Corporate circles. Their category of individuals has ability to contribute almost 80% of the firms business and profits for which they are working.

Typical characteristics

• Fast Operators

• Self Motivated, with No requirement of motivational talks (Gyan)

• Desire to bring material change in and around them

• Highly result oriented

• Always have paucity of time to finish current and jump to next

• Multi task

• Highly networked

• Totally Updated

• Never Say “ No / Can’t Happen” Attitude

Only shortcoming for these kinds of people is Immortality. They need to be remembered for whatever they have done even when they are not around.

Most of the great leaders, thinkers, reformers including Lenin, Karl Marx, Mao Zedong fall under this category.

These skills generally can’t be developed. Either they are by birth or an individual inculcates due to a past incident or event he has witnessed or experienced.

For them the Philosophy is that they rather work on much higher speed and hence desire that they should have complete freedom on the way they address the Problem. Due to their ideation and innovation, for the firm which gives them above mentioned 2 desired things in their operating environment, the financial success of the firm is a must and in turn they benefit from it.
Unfortunately most of these individuals are not vocal on the work undertake as they don’t have any complexes or insecurities and thus most organizations miss to identify them. Such firms which take cognizance of these people would grow much faster.