Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Job Satisfaction - A myth

Most People say they don't love their job. Is their job or profession something really which is meant to be loved? Inherently why do most people , who undertake various jobs, work at the first place? Most common reason which comes to mind is to satisfy their basic requirement of necessary evil MONEY. Job or Work is a medium to earn money for survival.

Let's see our history, during ancient times of Harappa Valley Civilization, people used to choose their profession on the basis of their skill sets. So if the person is keen on doing farming, he would become an agriculturist, or if the individual likes fighting and has fascination for weaponry , he would become a क्षत्रिय। All this was done to ensure person's inner ability which to a certain extent is already present can be honed and the struggle or the pain which he has to go through for undertaking his job responsibilities or basically to earn his living reduces.

As the races grew, population on planet increase, meritocracy was taken over by succession or which later turned into caste system. Son of a priest would grow to become a priest, children of warriors to become warriors. Again the reason why it was done, as humans we know that any job or or any work we undertake and continue to do, because of the presence of certain things or absence of certain things , would always make us unhappy. Thus to reduce this unhappiness and get the work done with affluence and to earn the living with relative ease, best positive route is to choose parental/ ancestral profession, the chances of then getting totally frustrated is lower.

There is a very famous saying, don't know who wrote it, but very pertinent, " Grass is always greener on the other side."
Struggling actors wish to get a single role on camera, the one who is on camera wants to be on small screen, actors of small screen wish for big screen, the ones on big screen wish to become legendary artists, the ones who are known in India wish to reach Hollywood, the ones in Hollywood, wish to be rich like their friends who are industrialists, industrialists who have tonnes of money need power like politicians. Politicians who have power wish to do things differently and desire to become immortal and the need cycle continues. So does the dissatisfaction and unhappiness. If that be the case, finding happiness and satisfaction in your work life is like a Mirage . which you think exists and when you go near, its just an eyewash - ब्रह्म।
Some HR managers understand that and they camouflage the work with other add -ons with which an individual feels happy and clings on his current assignment much longer despite of being unhappy. Smart Human Resources people use, work life balance, flexible hours, engaging family, overseas trips, rewards, recognition etc. The whole thinking behind this is to ensure that the individual sticks on with the profession or the assignment and keeps his eye on the benefits given by the firm and suppresses his anguish and outrage at work.
We spend money, do things to achieve happiness and joy in life. If work starts providing us the same then, instead of we earning money from our firms, we should start paying them.
In a nutshell to look for happiness or JOB satisfaction if one says so is something, unreal and if somebody is saying that he is just trying to fool you as he doesn't want to share his truth with you.